Sales Force Automation

Best Sales Force Automation and skills of National IT Services.

Deskera CRM

Super solutions

Deskera Customer Relationship Management software provides an organization with a single view of its customers, helps automate critical sales processes – from leads qualification to promotional campaigns, and enables decision makers to easily implement customer-centric strategies and ensure effective sales management. and enables decision makers to easily implement customer-centric strategies and ensure effective sales management.

Deskera CRM Software Overview

  •   Lead Tracking
  •   Pipeline Management Tools
  •   Account Management
  •  Email Marketing
  •   Document Management
  •   Email Integration

Freshworks Sales Suite

Super solutions

Freshworks 360 is a feature-rich call center software that is easy to deploy and requires little to no maintenance expenditures. The software has a simplified plug and play function that allows companies to instantly deploy Freshworks 360 in their operation. This call centre software facilitates teams to operate contextually with every single call. It keeps the information of every contact at the agent’s fingertips. The software offers an easy portability system of porting customer information from different systems.

Freshworks 360 has an advanced inbound routing engine that allows agents to not miss a single call and fulfil their targets in record time. This feature keeps a thorough record of all the inbound calls attended during the working hours, including holidays.

Freshworks Sales Suite Overview

  •   Contact Management
  •   Call Logging
  •   Lead Scoring
  •  Referral Tracking
  •   Marketing Automation
  •   Customer Support


Super solutions

The world’s leading conversational messaging platform for commerce, marketing and support. Transforming the way brands connect with consumers.

Conversational technology is digitizing and transforming emerging markets now in the same way that web technologies did in the western markets in the 90s. Emerging markets leapfrogged to smartphones and messaging apps - hence conversational messaging will form the digital backbone for commerce, marketing and support.
We believe virtually every business and brand in the emerging markets will have to build conversational experiences, because that's where the consumers are.

Gupshup Overview

  •  BFSI Food & Beverage
  •   Retail
  •   Healthcare
  •   Gaming
  •   Real Estate
  •   Travel & Hospitality
  •   Education
  •   Media
  •   Advertising